Nero Claudius Caesar ( Augustus Germanicus )
- Nero was born in 37 AD in Antium And it is said Nero's father was a nobility in Rome, and his mother is the granddaughter of "Emperor Augustus" and her name is "Agripina the Younger" and Nero is said to have inherited her brutal tendencies.
Nero Claudius, Duke of Germanicus
- His mother married Emperor "Claudius" Duke of Germanicus" after the death of his father in 49 AD when he was a small child and her husband adopted "Nero" and made him his son and named him "Nero Claudius, Duke of Germanicus".
Nero The King
- Nero became the holder of the throne from the time he was fifteen, and it was not because he deserved the throne nor because "Claudius" abdicated the throne to him, but his mother poisoned her husband so that he would die and her son would ascend the throne and become emperor of Rome.
Teacher "Seneca the Younger"
- In the first years of his rule the situation was stable and that was because of the presence of his teacher "Seneca" a teacher of morals, values and self-discipline and was a philosopher he was directing and guided
- but he did not continue much so he began to use violence and oppression and used all forms of destruction and practiced on his people which led to many deaths and sabotage and destruction of the empire.
Agripina the Younger and Claudia Octavia
- Not only his destruction and oppression the people only but that his hands extended to the closest people to him he killed his mother and teacher "Seneca" and his brother and his wife "Octavia" and reached him oppression to kill two Christian messengers.
- And it is said that the reason for killing his wife "Octavia" that in one of his plays when he was performing a role in a play dropped from his hands scepter mistakenly and after the end of the play took his wife praise his performance but commented on the fall of the scepter from his hands was this sentence the end of Octavia.
Seneca suicide
- And about his killing of his teacher Seneca it is said that Seneca is widely popular and loved by everyone for his good morals and high values and at that time Nero turned around a group of moneylenders and his morals became worse than they were and then his teacher scolded him and raised him, but to no avail, and when those around him suggested to him the need to get rid of Seneca and that he became a danger to him for his wide popularity he decided to kill him but Seneca when he learned about this he preferred to kill himself on To be killed by Nero the tyrant.

- When the Christian religion spread in Rome and entered into it a lot of people, and this increased the might and tyranny of Nero, he planned and carried out one of the most heinous crimes committed against peoples, in 64 AD, Nero increased his tyranny over his people by torturing and burning them with fires that burned in Rome and spread widely and continued for many days that took the lives of many men, women and children without mercy.
- And Nero was watching the fires with pleasure as he played the violin.
Nero's hostility to Christians and the Christian religion
- Thousands of Romans perished in this fire and the fingers were accusing people and politicians pointing to him as the cause of this arson, and the people of Rome whispered gossip about him and their words rose and the hatred of the people towards him increased and he needed a scapegoat to put him accused in front of the people, and he had a choice either Jews or modern Christianity in Rome, but the Jews were under the protection of "Popiaspina" Nero's Jewish wife.

- so he attached the charge to Christians, and began to distract the people in arresting Christians, persecuting them and shedding their blood By offering them to predatory beasts or burning them with fire in front of the Romans in the Stadium and throughout the empire. Even the qualifications of the governors who were in charge of the provinces were how cruel they were in killing Christians, and droves of Christians were driven to satisfy the desire of the masses to see blood, and Christians lived in underground catacombs and caves, and their churches and the dead are still visited by tourists.
- Nero did not leave a single means of torture but used it with Christians, which led to the escalation of anger against him and his tyranny, so he was forced to stick his charge to the Christians of Rome and continued to shed blood and mobilize his people and provoke their anger to kill Christians and torture them in bloody scenes and brutal and hideous.
The end of Nero

- Those who follow the history of Rome realize that imperial rule was often transferred by scheming and killing the emperor until he reached the throne of power to others and for Nero his end was not much different from others who preceded him.
- After the massacres and fires ignited by Rome, he went to Greece to practice his hobby in singing dancing and acting and in the meantime his revolution in Gaul at the hands of a French nobleman called "Vendex" and with the increasing frequency of the revolution and the decline and defeat of "Nero" and his failure to manage the crisis left him his friends and entourage and did not find them seemed to escape from his palace to a remote hut for one of his servants who remained with him.
- There he cried a lot about what he had reached and remembered his mother and said that it was she who brought him the curse.
- He remained hidden until he felt the sounds of the soldiers' snaps hovering around the place so he decided to kill himself, and after many failed attempts because of his fear of death he killed himself and the tyrant who exhausted Rome with his madness died.
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